SLiM Poetry

Untitled (What's deeper than the ocean floor?)

What’s deeper than the ocean floor?

Our Atlas, holding a million trillion tons of water over its head

A world away from light, warmly wrapped around Earth’s core

Cradling life, preventing total planetary collapse

The only thing keeping this ship afloat


What’s scarier than love at 20,000 leagues?

A million trillion tons of pressure overhead

Wringing my body like a wet cloth

An effortless, crushing hug from above

I close my eyes and sink to some infinite bottom

I do not look up


I saw a psychic who asked if I remembered the ocean floor


I mean, how could I forget

The water’s embrace

The shifting of plates

The scent of earth cooking under its crust


I walk to the beach

Past the sand

Past the tide softly massaging the shore

Walk until I’m buried by a million trillion tiny hands

And let go

© 2021, SLiM Poetry